Library Journal Likes Monster Loving
This month I turn 30. The 20's were good. 29 particularly so. A new baby girl, two books published, steady freelance work, and a great road trip in our crazy old van. There she is, in all her mismatched bumpered glory. Next time, I'll post art, but for now, you get an 80's van. I think you win.
If you want to win big, though, you can meet the new older me at Emerald City Comic Con, where I'll be boothing at #223. Want commissions? I will do commissions for you, sir or madam. I'll also have copies of Dear Creature and Green River Killer, plus art prints. And I'm in Monsters and Dames again, too.
Speaking of Dear Creature, it just got a starred review from Library Journal, which is a good thing. I love librarians. Someday I want to write a musical set in a library. There will be lots of soft shoe and shushing noises.
And now, I'm off to The Creep for Dark Horse. Pencils, pencils, and more pencils. I must fly!